Thursday, December 10, 2009

My niece is 11 year old and is starting to wear make up?

My niece is 11years old and she started to wear clear lip gloss and LIGHT foundation to cover her blemishes and all that pre-teen problems. Is it ok for her to wear these types of makeup? Her parents do not allow her to buy any concealer.My niece is 11 year old and is starting to wear make up?
Call me old fashioned but I think that a 11 yr old little girl should be able to wear chapstick/lip gloss (no glitter or tint) %26amp; be able to wear powder (but it would not be brought to school).

If you think that a 11 yr old girl that is into makeup %26amp; hair, isn't into boys %26amp; sex... You got another thing coming.My niece is 11 year old and is starting to wear make up?
I would say it's an issue for the parents - not you.
i like for makeup, skin, hair tips...

hopw it may help you too...
she is just trying to make her self look pretty for an 11 year old she is not trying to be a 21 year old wearing real make up it seams like no big deal!
Lip Gloss...............yes

i used to start wearing lip gloss in like the 3rd grade. I started getting my eyebrows waxed in the 5th and my mom mentioned it in 4th. so.......... maybe its OK with the eyebrows..... but definitely not foundation.
I was 9 when I started to wear make-up I only wore eye liner and blush.. There is no problem for her to wear make-up but she needs to no

that its not good to share it with her friends

and she should always wash her face.
Like the first comment I am a model and I didn't get my 1st makeup until I was 10 and it was kin tone shadow and brown mascara with some lip smackers. I mean its not like she has raccoon eyes with red lips shes just expierementing and having fun.
thats fine. its CLEAR lipgloss not red lipstick and light foundation. at least shes not wearing mascara and eyeliner :)

ps. ur not supposed to pluck your top eyebrow it ruins your natural arch
I would say it's fine but make sure she keeps it to a minimum. Makeup at an early age can cause premature wrinkling!
I think thats too early. I'm 14 and i barely wear makeup. I don't wear foundation. Only eye liner, mascara, and sometimes eye shadow. I think she should wait a while till she wears this makeup %26amp; even for her eye brows! I got my eyebrows first waxed when i was 13!
yes i dont think that those are a big deal. every girl loves lip gloss and if it makes her feel better about herself then why not? when she starts weariing heavy eyeliner at that age thats when you may want to speak to her about it
yea that is okay! i'm a mom1
well it all depends what type of girl she is i didn't pluck out my eyebrow untill i was 15 and i only wear makeup when i go to parties...if she wears it at a young age and has it all the time her face will wrinkle faster and will look acward when shes not wearing it...tell her not to rush life...
yea it's cool. make up is fun and all girls want to look good even if they don't like nobody.
i think thats fine.
Sounds okay to me, I am a Grandma.
Let the child be! Who knows? Maybe when she grow's up she'll be a professional model. That's how most start out!
I think it's ok for her to do that. It's not like she's going for something obvious or unnatural looking. She's just covering up blemishes so she can feel better about her skin.

Also, what does ';sexual stuff' have to do with anything? o.0
that sounds exactly like me! thats wat i wore! as long as she doesnt overdo it! its good that u r concerened about ur niece but shes fine!
oh wow

isnt 11 a little young for make-up?

especially foundation?

i mean im 14 and i rarely wear foundation

only if i have a dance performance or something

everyone has blemishes and i think she should like tough it out and just deal with them without makeup
your add on to the question was stupid ''she isnt interested in sexual stuff'' how random and 'open' to so many things people can think of. why would you throw that in?

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